Sunday, November 14, 2010

Joshua Radin cover song

I felt like singing today and I recorded something little for you again.
My piano playing sucks even more than usual now that my arm is broken
and I only use one finger for the "bass". But whatever...
And my high notes suck today. I also recorded Sara Bareilles' song King Of Anything,
but it sounded just horrible. I sounded like I wanted/needed to cough.

But anyways, here you go. Let me know what you think.
Joshua Radin - When You Find Me (cover)

More @ Muziboo


  1. MITÄMITÄMITÄ laulatko sä tässä? O___O

    aattelin eka että kylläpä soitat ihanasti ja sitten kun toi laulu alkoi... VAU!!! Oot kyllä tosi lahjakas.

  2. Your piano playing and voice are both very lovely!!

  3. You have a beautiful voice, I loved listening to that!
    (Found your blog on flickr btw, from the Blogsinflickr group:) )

  4. Thanks guys!! =)

    This is one of the things I'm good at and for that reason I'm really self-critical and self-conscious when it comes to music. I can play much better once I get this cast off my left arm and will be able to use more than just one finger again :D
